For my lovely readers…! :)


I was watching a video of Gaur Gopal Das, an Indian Spiritual Leader, a lifestyle coach and a motivational speaker where he was mentioning the importance of having gratitude in one’s life. Being thankful is inevitable because being grateful for whatever we have always motivates us to share the things we possess at that moment. The process of give and take is very necessary when it comes to life. Even our breaths are in the form of in’s and out’s. We don’t just breathe in or just breathe out continuously, acting like that would create a disaster. The process of in and out takes place one after the other and both the things are very necessary to remain alive. Thus in life also, it is very necessary to give from what you have, instead of just taking and taking.

After watching the video keenly, I decided to do some self-evaluation. I went on a journey about various things that I have in my life and stopped by to check whether I have expressed gratitude towards it or not. During my journey, I stopped at the platform of my blog-writing and wondered if I ever thanked my readers for gifting me their precious time. Not having done that ever, I decided to make it the topic of my today’s article. So, here it goes!

This blog holds no importance without you, MY LOVELY READERS 🙂 Your precious time, attention, and constructive feedbacks have always been a strong motivation for me to work on my next article and improve my writing skills. Thank you very much for your continued dedication and support. I hope the content I provide you with is adding value to each and every reader’s life or at least giving you a new perspective to think upon. I wish this bond between us remains intact for an infinite number of years (probably till I live 🙂 ), and after that, maybe we can meet in heaven or hell. Just kidding. 😉

I have come up with something special for my readers. Here’s an opportunity for you to share your experiences and learnings here with all the other blog readers. You can write a guest post on my blog:)! If you are passionate about writing or giving away some life lessons or feel like your story can inspire others, HERE’S AN OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU! GRAB IT!. You can submit your article by emailing it to me and I will post it right here, on my blog after verifying the content. Keep the length of the article around 500-600 words. Disclosure of your identity along with your article will be as per your wish. Any necessary modifications required to make the article error-free and understandable will be made from my side. After you mail me the article, within a period of two days, I will let you know whether the content is acceptable and can be posted and within a week of verification, your article will be posted on the blog.

You can reach me at for any further questions. Feel free to ask any questions.