Open the doors!


Being guided by a lady named Madhu at the Apang Manav Mandal (the institute in Ahmedabad that gives physically challenge people a sense of belonging), I felt abashed as I saw her climb down the step which connected the hall and the gallery. Why so? Well, it was not a normal move at all. Madhu was differently abled and she was unable to walk normally like us. She was on a board with wheels on it, and she moved the board swiftly by tapping her hands on the floor. When the step came, very easily she got off her board, pushed the board and dragged herself off the step, got back on the board and started moving ahead in the same manner. This may seem quite normal to her, as this was her daily routine. But for me? I had goosebumps. So many efforts just for moving one step. On having a conversation with her, I also came to know that she was a very good anchor and had done anchoring in many functions of that institution and other places.

Not only her, but I also met the rest of the girls there and saw that in spite of their being differently abled, each and every one of them had their innate talent and an enthusiasm to learn something new and add value to themselves.

It was like a wakeup call for me; I questioned myself, what in the world are we doing with our lives? Just look at them! They make the best out of whatever they have, and we? What do we do? With these two hands and legs, which God has given to us. We take everything for granted, don’t utilize the full human potential that we are capable of. The most surprising thing is that we don’t keep the energies within us idle but we waste it in petty issues like complaining about unimportant things, comparing ourselves with others, criticizing things & people, trying to change everybody else and many other things which are not essential. It is exactly like turning on the lights in the day time instead of lighting them at night, where you actually need it. Lighten up yourself where it is required, not where it is wasted. What if we just focused on improving ourselves and tried to utilize our potential in activities which actually add value to people’s lives around us? How great could that be?

Consider your life to be a house with many rooms in it, different rooms have different opportunities within. The doors of all the rooms are closed when you are born. Then people open up a few doors for you. They will only open the doors which they themselves have been to. Rest of the doors, you will have to open it by yourself, even if nobody else has opened them up. These doors are like the opportunities which give you a chance to show your potential. It is not necessary to enter all the rooms whose door you open, but it is very necessary to OPEN THEM and have a look. With every door opening, you are opening the doors inside you, to reach your full potential.

Explore and improve..!


Photo by Dil on Unsplash